
A Brief History of J.J.M.M.H.S.S.

John Joseph Murphy Memorial Higher Secondary School, Yendayar is a higher  secondary school located in Yendayar, Kottayam District, Kerala, India. It is managed by J J Murphy Memorial High School Trust Mundakkayam.
The school was opened in 1982 by Sri. Michael A. Kallivayalil.
The school was established in the name of Mr. J.J. Murphy (1872 - 1957), one of the most successful Irish planters in India.
According to local tradition, Murphy named the place that was to be his home till death in 1957, after his mother and the local river. Yendayar is a combination of ‘yen’ (my) ‘thai’ (mother) and ‘ar’ (river). Murphy had come 103 years ago to the place which was a thick forest and had no name or people then. He had traveled a long way to reach there. There he established India’s first successful rubber plantation.
The Higher Secondary Section of the school was started in the year 1998.

The school has performed consistently well in academic field and athletics.
In April 2007, during the 51st Kerala School Games at the Nehru Stadium, our student M.M. Anchu won the senior girls’ 100m hurdles.